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A Vision for Berlin-Brandenburg

Workshop Highlights with RHA and bgmr for KNF e.V. Berlin-Brandenburg


25 Juli 2024



We're working together with Reicher Haase Assoziierte (RHA) and bgmr Landschaftsarchitekten on developing a spatial vision with the Communal Neighbourhood Forum for Berlin-Brandenburg (Kommunale Nachbarschaftsforum Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.) (KNF e.V.)

These are some snapshots from a recent workshop put on by RHA.

Bella is presenting the Stakeholder Universe to KNF e.V. members, which shows layers of stakeholders which KNF e.V. could engage with in relation to the various themes they are interested in.

Laura is taking input from members, on the themes that are significant for them, within the districts and regions which they are responsible for. 

We're looking forward to the upcoming workshops and getting closer to co-developing this vision together. Stay tuned for more updates on the project!