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Density and Mixed-Use

Innovative approaches to redensification in German and American cities


14 Dezember 2021



Innovative, diverse, livable, and sustainable is how we want our cities to grow; this requires a sustainable and resilient redensification strategy.

The project "Density & Mixed-Use: Innovative Approaches to Redensification in German and American Cities" aims to support networks between German and U.S. municipalities to explore (new) tools in both countries for building density.

The Project is part of the international exchange network "Dialogues for Urban Change" which aims to strengthen international exchange and promote international learning networks in urban development. The format consists of a total of three networks: between Germany and the USA, South Africa and Ukraine respectively. These networks, each dealing with a different thematic focus, encompass the city and national levels as well as city associations and aim to improve urban development approaches in the participating countries.

TSPA partners with Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the expert for integrated urban development, Stefan Heinig to take part in the german-american exchange network. The project, lasting 3 years, is funded by the BMWSB former BMI (Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Municipal Affairs), managed by the BBSR (Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development) and supported by the GIZ. 

To ensure an active flow of information, we will regularly create Internet contributions in parallel with the project work. The first internet article of the project was published by the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs, and Spatial Development (BBSR), accompanied by the project concept.

You can review both documents here.

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