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Students of HPI School of Design Thinking visit TSPA

On December 6th five students of the HPI School of Design Thinking in Potsdam visited our office in Kreuzberg.


19 Dezember 2019



“The HPI School of Design Thinking (HPI D-School) offers a supplementary training program in Design Thinking that is unique in Europe. Students receive solid knowledge and skills in innovation methodology and practical application. In intensive collaboration with companies and social institutions, our multidisciplinary student teams develop especially user-friendly products and services. The special working environment, sophisticated innovation process and highly-qualified instructors provide the best conditions to make it happen.” - HPI D-School

The students are working on an innovation project in the field of knowledge transfer from sustainability to municipal organisations. As part of their research phase, they wanted to interview TSPA to share experiences on urban green spaces and climate change. We had an interesting conversation on urban greenery, climate resilience, the challenges of working for municipal organisations and how to interact with stakeholders. We thank them for their visit and wish them good luck for the continuation of their project!

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