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TSPA at the Greentech Festival

TSPA's project City Scan, was presented at the Greentech Festival


13 Juli 2021



Earlier this year, TSPA team started a new project - CityScan. An initiative for data-driven urbanism. We presented its first analysis at the Greentech Festival, as part of BetaPort workshop, where we shared how the principles of sustainable urban planning combined with data can support the future of mobility planning.

How does City Scan approach data driven urbanism?

By using open, crowd-sourced, remotely sensed data we can assess how current mobility hubs are integrated into the surrounding environment and where future nodes are likely to develop. We analyze different infrastructure systems and combine them with other variables, such as services or residential densities to determine the best locations for multi-functional, intermodal, mobility hubs that are catalysts for a vivid urban life.

Take a look at the moments from the BetaPort workshop about Future Mobility Hubs held during the Greentech Festival.

We will share more information about City Scan in the upcoming weeks.

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