All posts in Introspection

21 Posts

New headquarters: Charlottenstrasse 2

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We are back in Kreuzberg!

We moved again and this time for real.

Find us at Charlottenstraße 2 where, together with LABELS (Cee Cee Creative), we will create a space for creativity the way we love to do it: with plants and sketches.

We will share more updates of this amazing space where we would love for you to come and say hi!
#tspa #office #urbanplanning #berlin

Managing a planning firm as a Teal Organisation. This is what we learned

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1. The Company is growing, great! Right. Right? Right??

Thomas Stellmach, urbanist and founder of TSPA, realised two years ago that his firm, and life, had to change. The situation didn’t look bad: International city planning projects were underway, academia and international organisations invited TSPA for conferences and lectures. Yet tension was high and constant, mistakes happened, plus the permanent anxiety that there is always more to be done.

Organisational aspects

Why was that? Too much was dependent on Thomas himself. Clients wanted to talk to him directly, decisions had to be taken. Various attempts to outsource or delegate had failed due to decreased quality in results. It was time to transition from an assisted one-person show to a larger structure. Was it time to build a pyramid-shaped org chart?

Mycelium Rhizome, 2009 Pencil on paper 120 x 240 cm. Collection of the artist Represented by Galerie Dusseldorf

Mycelium Rhizome, 2009 Pencil on paper 120 x 240 cm. Collection of the artist Represented by Galerie Dusseldorf


A future that may not come: lessons on green technologies that should save the world 

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This is an overview of the presentation Filippo Imberti made for the Nobel Fest event last week. He participated in the open dialogue about the global practices, issues and changing trends is essential in achieving well-functioning and liveable environments.

This overview looks at the role of cities in carbon emissions, and potential solutions:

Strategie für öffentliche Toiletten: Datengestützte Planung für intelligente Städte, in denen der Mensch im Mittelpunkt steht.

Eine intelligente Stadt ist nicht nur eine Stadt voller Bildschirme und selbstfahrender Autos. Sie ist eine Stadt, die Daten nutzt, um Ressourcen besser zu verteilen, Bedürfnisse zu decken und Orte für alle zugänglicher zu machen. Öffentliche Toiletten sind das beste Beispiel dafür, wie die Nutzung von Daten zur Gestaltung von Smart Cities beiträgt, in denen der Mensch im Mittelpunkt steht. .

Die Europäische Kommission definiert eine intelligente Stadt als einen Ort, an dem herkömmliche Netze und Dienstleistungen durch digitale Lösungen zum Nutzen der Einwohner und Unternehmen effizienter gestaltet werden. In diesem Sinne hat TSPA für Berlin und Düsseldorf zwei gesamtstädtisce Konzepte entwickelt, die eine bedarfsgerechte Versorgung mit öffentlichen Toiletten vorsehen. Dazu wurden auf Basis von Geodaten und eines Entfernungsverhältnisses prioritäre Standorte identifiziert, die die städtischen Ressourcen bestmöglich verteilen. 

Dieser Ansatz ist im Hinblick auf die Zielsetzung der Idee nicht nur in quantitativer, sondern auch in qualitativer Hinsicht integrativ. Wir haben die städtische Politik unter Einbeziehung von Interessengruppen und Teilen der städtischen Verwaltung begleitet. Zur Entwicklung einer detaillierten Strategie nutzen zudem wir eine breite Palette von Daten, die von öffentlichen und privaten Behörden zur Verfügung gestellt werden, analysieren grundlegende menschliche Verhaltensmuster und vergleichen sie mit anderen Städten, um ein nachhaltiges Konzept zu entwickeln. Wir berücksichtigen Daten, wie vorhandene Einrichtungen innerhalb eines bestimmten Bereichs, Bevölkerungsdichte, Tourismusstrukturen und viele andere. Nur durch die Kombination dieser Instrumente und Variablen lässt sich eine ganzheitliche Strategie entwickeln. Im Ergebnis wird die Zahl der öffentlich zugänglichen Toiletten auf 200 Standorte in Düsseldorf und 257 in Berlin erhöht. 

Öffentliche Toiletten mögen als Teil des Rückgrats der Infrastruktur einer Stadt übersehen werden, aber das bedeutet nicht, dass sie für ihre Bewohner und Besucher nicht von großer Bedeutung sind. Big-Data-Analysen und sektorübergreifende Vergleiche sind Instrumente, die die Bereitstellung dieser grundlegenden Dienstleistung verbessern. 

Da die Bereitstellung öffentlicher Toiletten wesentlich zur Qualität und Zugänglichkeit des öffentlichen Raums in einer Stadt beitragen, handelt es sich um eine reelle Möglichkeit, sich Gedanken darüber zu machen, wie Städte smart sein können. Die Verfügbarkeit von Toiletten beeinflusst, wie wir uns in der Stadt bewegen und ob es für bestimmte Personengruppen zu Einschränkungen kommt. Städte müssen interaktiver und reaktionsfähiger, der öffentliche Raum sicherer und die Bedürfnisse einer alternden Bevölkerung erfüllt werden.

Wir sind uns bewusst, dass es bei den öffentlichen Toiletten noch viel zu verbessern gibt. Wie kann die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter bei der Bereitstellung von Toiletten erreicht werden? Wie kann man sie funktional und für alle zugänglich halten? Wie können sie sicher sein, ohne gefährdete Bevölkerungsgruppen aus dem öffentlichen Raum zu verdrängen? 

Wir haben vielleicht nicht alle Antworten, aber es ist klar, dass intelligent gewählte Standorte zumindest dazu beitragen können, das Problem der ungleichen räumlichen Verteilung oder der nicht erfüllten Kapazitäten anzugehen. Die datengestützte Planung tritt hier als eine tragende Säule auf.

Thomas Stellmach interviewed in Al Jazeera reportage „Berlin: unapologetically rebel“

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More than 20 years after the reunification, what shapes Berlin today?

The news broadcaster Al Jazeera interviewed three Berliners, and one is our founder Thomas Stellmach, who experienced city changes in the post-wall ’90s and now understands current ongoing processes such as gentrification and recognises the importance of a vision for Berlin and Brandenburg’s future development.

We were delighted to be considered as a valuable source to understand and reflect on the city.

Drei Arbeitsplätze im Aquabutze coworking space zu vermieten

Wir vermieten drei Arbeitsplätze in unserem schönen Gemeinschaftsbüro in den AQUA-Höfen in Berlin-Kreuzberg.

Die Arbeitsplätze können ab sofort angemietet werden.

Preis pro Tisch pro Monat 248,- EURO (Brutto).

Breite Tische und genügend Platz, um soziale Distanz zu wahren.

Was du dafür bekommst:

Tag der Architektur 2020

Wir freuen uns mitteilen zu können, dass TSPA für den Tag der Architektur am 27. Juni seine Türen öffnet! Kommen Sie von 14 bis 18 Uhr bei uns vorbei, um mehr über unsere Projekte zu erfahren und Meinungen auszutauschen. Wir werden unsere Arbeit vorstellen mit einer anschließenden Frage- und Antwortrunde, gefolgt von einem geselligen Beisammensein mit Getränken.

Die von der Architektenkammer organisierte Veranstaltung folgt den bestehenden Hygienevorschriften, die unter anderem die Registrierung der Besucher umfasst. Bitte melden Sie Ihren Besuch an und werfen Sie ein Blick auf die Karte mit allen teilnehmenden Projekten, Objekten, Freiräumen und den offenen Büros in Berlin.

Work platforms: Open source remote communication and basic office organisation strategies

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This is the fourth publication of the series “From work desks to work platforms” in which we share the strategies and tools that have helped us doing remote-work even before the Coronavirus Pandemic. Here we present two out of nine tools,Remote communication and basic office arrangement.

5. Keeping the Communication Going

Video and Audio Conferencing, Screen Sharing, Chat and direct Exchange: Riot & Jitsi

Work platforms: Remote Presentations, Data Collection and Analysis

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This is the third publication of the series “From work desks to work platforms” in which we share the strategies and tools that have helped us doing remote-work even before the Coronavirus Pandemic. Here we present two out of nine tools, remote presentations, data collection and data analysis.

3. Showing Off: Presentations

Presentations on Site and Remotely: Slides / Powerpoint / Keynote

 What we needed

As opposed to the previous chapter, that dealt with internal presentation, here we talk about external presentations — be it to a client or a lecture at a conference. We searched for a tool that lets develop presentations quickly, intuitively and work simultaneously with external collaborators. Another essential demands are easily grant access editing rights and offline working mode.

What we picked, and why

From Work Desks to Work Platforms

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This is the first publication of a series in which we will share the strategies and tools that have worked for us in our experience with remote working. The next publications will which tools we use and how we use them.

How to work remotely without dropping the pencil.

Authors: Aleksandra Katasonova, Filippo Imberti, Thomas Stellmach

Graphics: Amr Elsayed

This document describes the remote work tool kit we use at TSPA. It is specifically the tools that work best for us (you’ll find some links to broader collections of solutions at the end of the text).

An experimental period: The Dusseldorf project as a case study

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The Coronavirus pandemic is omnipresent in our society, where ‘social distancing’ neglects our everyday’s life and our common behaviour patterns. Schools and shops are closing, we all work from home and visit neither family nor friends. This is a challenge, as social interaction and discussion is key for the urban planning domain since local knowledge and participation have a huge impact on the process and the outcomes of a project. 

Together with Zebralog, we were facing this issue and asked ourselves the following questions:

  • How could we enable stakeholders to give us feedback and input in our current projects without a ‘face to face’ interaction? 
  • Which are the outcomes of a remote format? 
  • Can these formats act as a role model with the goal to implement them in future projects?

TSPA Newsletter: 20 out of 20

Greetings from TSPA!

We are very happy to start the end of the decade busy with very exciting projects and a growing team. We started this year feeling  20/20.

Whether in Germany or overseas TSPA explored all of its capacities building climate resiliency, thinking of sustainable solutions, designing the neighbourhoods of the future and planning for all. We are looking forward to continue doing so in 2020.

Endeavours around the world

While this year we developed projects in Germany, our international work is still ongoing and at full steam in Mozambique, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Decentralisation in the making

After Mozambique undertook a massive decentralisation process from its capital city in Maputo, TSPA teamed up to provide local governments of 5 different cities in the production of long term development strategies for the local municipalities, providing them with a sustainable framework for the future. 

Some of the biggest learning outcomes of this project were the capabilities to collect data in a new context exploring analysis by drone, heat-sensing technologies, and other new techniques for mapping and analysing informal settlements all-together while developing a vision together with municipality authorities and local citizens through consensus.

Redefining sustainability patterns

Indonesia, with its many coastal communities, undeveloped water infrastructure, and high urban climates strives in the ecological and social sustainable development.

This 2019 TSPA continued to be part of the team which developed a feasibility study and established a national framework for sustainable development patterns at the neighbourhood level with ecodistricts pilot projects in the cities of Yogyakarta, Semarang and Wonosobo. This year the project held three on site workshops that helped our team to define what an Ecodistict is and how can it be shared and communicated under a clear narrative. This project had one goal in mind: embracing local contexts, cultures and communities in the making of guidelines for sustainable urban development.

Building Climate Resiliency

TSPA partnered up with UN-Habitat, the Republic of the Philippines Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board, in a project founded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) part of The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, to contribute in the Philippines with the project “Building Climate Resiliency through Urban Plans and Designs” in which we made recommendations climate change adaptation through the promotion of climate-responsive sustainable urban development plans and designs in the cities of: Legazpi, Angeles, Tagum, Cagayan de Oro and Ormoc.

Local endeavours

As a great balance with TSPA’s international portfolio, this past year we worked in local projects with three German cities including our home, Berlin. These projects are either kicking off or already in full swing.


A neighbourhood of the 22nd century

We are happy to share that this autumn we were selected to be part of the teams who will develop test designs for the new city district of Blankenburger Süden, an area in the north east of our hometown, Berlin. Through a cooperative workshop process we have been able to build a collaborative master plan in which we will rethink how to develop the largest redevelopments in the region and take into consideration the interests of governmental institutions, stakeholders and inhabitants in the transformation of this green land into a neighbourhood of the 22nd century. One that is inclusive, sustainable, lively and connected.

Toilets for all

Given the lack of information on the current situation of public toilets and the increasing demand for additional facilities, the City of Düsseldorf asked TSPA to develop a city-wide strategy for the supply of public toilets. The goals are to identify possible locations for new public toilets as well as to come up with general toilet standards based on the principles of sustainability, accessibility and multifunctionality for all groups of users.
This ongoing project has given us insight into the real impact of public toilets on the city and its residents, and has taught us a range of new skills and methods for dealing with a large amount of unstructured data from various stakeholders.

 Visualising Chemnitz 2040

As part of the City of Chemnitz’s aim to plan for the future, we teamed up with Zebralog to support the City  in the development of a city-wide strategy. TSPA contributes its knowledge of strategic urban planning and spatial mapping and visualisation to a participatory process which involves both the city administration and the public as well as key stakeholders. Through a series of workshops and interactions we help define  the city’s overarching goals and vision for the year 2040 and prototype them in areas in which they should take immediate effect.

Who (k)new

This year we welcome seven new international team members Alessandra Sammartino (IT), Alexandra Katasonova -not pictured- (RU), Christina Krampokouki (GR), Jan Cyganski (GER), Janin Walter (GER), Natalia Perez-Bobadilla (MEX) and Sophie Leemans (BE).

TSPA is excited for the projects and knowledge 2020 will bring, thank you for following our work.

Do you follow our instagram account?

TSPA begrüßt Bundeskanzlerstipendiatin

TSPA today welcomed Alexandra Katasanova in Bonn at the reception of 2019’s grant winners of the German Chancellor Fellowship for tomorrow’s leaders.

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation annually awards ten candidates each from Brazil, China, India, Russia, and the USA to spend an research a year in Germany. TSPA will be one of the host organisation in 2019, and we look forward to work with Alexandra on building a platform for enabling cooperation in urban development in the coming year!

(picture: previous fellows at reception with chancellor Merkel, Bundestag)

Thomas Stellmach gave a lecture in BTU Cottbus on making cities

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Thomas was invited to give a lecture in BTU Cottbus, where he shared his insights about establishing a successful urban planning office. The discussion with students focused on key questions in the beginning of one’s professional life, while Thomas also showed key projects and discussed the processes behind their development.

To read more about the lecture, visit the link below:

Open Door – Day of Architecture 2018

Visit us at ‘Tag der Architektur’ on June 23. Open door, interesting projects, lively discussions… and Vermouth drinks until we are out (the drinks). Also with mekado and cba, JCA and other partners.

Traditionell steht das letzte Wochenende im Juni ganz im Zeichen der qualitätvollen Baukultur. Am 23. und 24. Juni findet zum 23. Mal der Tag der Architektur, diesmal unter dem Motto „Architektur bleibt!“, statt. Das Programm dieses publikumswirksamen Ereignisses gestalten interessierte Kammermitglieder aller Bundesländer – mit Führungen durch zeitgenössische private sowie öffentliche Bauten, Freianlagen, Innenräume und/oder einem offenen Büro mit Standort in Berlin. Das diesjährige Angebot ist größer denn je. Allein rund 70 Projekte mit Führungen stehen auf dem Programm. In Berlin machen, passend zum Motto, nicht nur viele Denkmalumbauten anschaulich, wie sensibles Bauen im Bestand aussieht. Wer will, kann sich direkt mit denen austauschen, die all das geschaffen haben: Die Führungen übernehmen die Architektinnen und Architekten selbst. In den offenen Büros laden sie zu Vorträgen, Ausstellungen, Festen und Gesprächen ein. Das gesamte Programm sowie die App zum Tag der Architektur erscheinen im Mai 2018.

2018 findet zeitgleich auch das Architekturfestival MakeCity statt, das zusammen mit dem Tag der Architektur viele Aspekte des Bauens und der Stadtentwicklung thematisiert. Im Vorfeld findet am 16./17. Juni der Galerierundgang „Architecture Exhibitions Weekend“ statt.

Fünf Arbeitsplätze im Aquabutze coworking space zu vermieten


Wir vermieten einen bis fünf Plätze. Ideal für ein kleines Team!

206 € (177.50 € netto). Pro Tisch pro Monat.

Was Sie bekommen:

TSPA co-founds housing cooperative urbancoopberlin. Winning competition for the Schöneberger Linse in Berlin

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Affordable housing, sustainable financing models, land leasehold models, intergenerational living, green architecture: these topics have in common that we promote them as planners and architects. They also have in common that they are more easily said than done. To see what can actually be done, TSPA founded the housing cooperative urbancoopberlin, together with  SammlerUsingerLIST GmbH, Hervé De Giovannini, SUSTAINABLE SERVICES. As our first test case, we participated in the competition of the city of Berlin for the ‚Schöneberger Linse‘ organised by Senate of Berlin. The competition asked a sustainability and renting concept besides the architectural proposal. The urbancoop proposal won the first prize, being awarded the plot and development opportunity. Have a look at the project here and learn more about the residents‘ engagement process in this video.

With an Oculus Rift above the Techno Club

„With the Oculus Rift above the Techno Club“ is Jasper Massink’s article about his professional and personal experiences during his internship at TSPA and in Berlin in general. Currently on the title page of archined [Dutch]. Read the full story here: Met de Oculus Rift boven de Technoclub: persoonlijke en professionele ervaringen in Berlijn.

Hey Jasper – we’re glad you survived that night!

Four work spaces at our office available

We’re renting out four table spaces in our beautiful shared office at moritzplatz at Aquacarree above Ritter Butzke.

One of them is available immediately , the others from July 2015.

Monthly rent is 168 EURO excluding VAT. Internet, table, chair, shelf space and cleaning is included, there is storage space and a nice little kitchen.


Aqua Carree/Room 306/Entrance B

Lobeckstrasse 30-35, 10997 Berlin

Tel: 030 325 19 265


Good bye Uberbau, hello TSPA

the scoop
Thomas Stellmach Planning and Architecture emerged from Uberbau (RIP and Thank You!) in late 2014. TSPA continues the work in different global contexts and scales, with projects ranging from regional development to neighbourhood transformation across Europe, Asia and Africa.

thus far
The first few months of 2015 have been rich. We are currently masterplanning a 73 ha city extension in Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia while the UN-Habitat consultancy continues with missions to Ethiopia and the Philippines. We also delivered a concept to transform a ‘60s megastructure in Seoul in cooperation with Crosby architects. Meanwhile, the work of TSPA was presented at Syracuse (London) and Urbanfest (Izhevsk).

who (k)new?
As the projects expand, so does the team. We welcome Alexandra and Karina (RU), Cason (US), Ben (DE), Jasper (NL), Javier (ES), as well as Luca and Raffaele (IT)!

Feel invited to find out more on this new website and to download our portfolio in the office section. Also, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Plus in the sidebar. And most modern, call us +49 (30) 5770 6349 2.

So long, all best from Berlin.