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26 Posts

Thomas Stellmach visiting professor at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg

We are happy to announce that TSPA’s founder and director, Thomas Stellmach, is starting a new position as Visiting Professor at Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg.

Together with Julia Binder, Thomas will take part of the Urban Design and Urban Studies chair in the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Urban Planning.

Recommendations for sustainable urbanization in Africa – Thomas Stellmach in the Bundestag

“In my opinion, it is not expedient to try to stop urbanization in Africa. On the contrary, the focus should be on intervening in a steering manner to make it as sustainable as possible.”

–  Thomas Stellmach at the German Bundestag in late December, where he gave recommendations in the Committee on Economic Cooperation and Development regarding sustainable urbanisation.

Tianjin Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute delegation visit to TSPA

Last September 10 representatives of the Tianjin Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute from China visited TSPA with the aim to get a deeper insight of the work and processes in a  city planning office.

Moscow Forum – City: The Details

Our colleague Filippo Imberti is heading to Moscow to participate as a speaker at the business forum and exhibition City: The Details (Город:Детали) and jury member at the relevant competition.
The forum is organised by the Government of Moscow City and will become part of the government program My District.
Filippo will present TSPA approach and case studies on urban spaces transformations.
Check out our Twitter and Instagram pages for more insights during the event!

Thomas Stellmach gave a lecture in BTU Cottbus on making cities

Thomas was invited to give a lecture in BTU Cottbus, where he shared his insights about establishing a successful urban planning office. The discussion with students focused on key questions in the beginning of one’s professional life, while Thomas also showed key projects and discussed the processes behind their development.

To read more about the lecture, visit the link below:


Thomas Stellmach appointed Guest Chair for Urbanism at RISEBA, Riga

Thomas has been appointed for the Guest Chair for Urban Space, Planning and Urban Regeneration at RISEBA Faculty of Architecture and Design in Riga, Latvia starting from February 2017.

We’ll start off working on the new Tornakalns University Campus in the heart of Riga. The research-by-design project is part of the Live Baltic Campus initiative.

We’ll be testing new design and education methods, immersing the students in a real-world process and developing cooperative work approaches. We’re excited to work with them and the great RISEBA team.

Live Baltic Campus aims at developing campuses as innovation hubs by creating better urban environment for businesses and residents. The idea is to create a working method for participative urban planning which is adopted by the cities involved as part of their normal work.
In practice, the project brings together city planners, government representatives, campus developers and stakeholders to utilize the campuses as labs with an aim to develop plans for better integrated urban management of the Central Baltic region. The project creates a network of practitioners ensuring knowledge transfer between the northern and southern parts of the Central Baltic region. Pilot implementations conducted in each area explore participative urban planning in its different phases, from preceding the official planning, to activities supplementing the official planning and following the official process.
As the main result, project creates integrated campus development plans, as well as service concepts and implementation plans for each partner region via pilot cases co-developed with the city government and stakeholders. In addition, the project creates a platform for discussing policy objectives, exchanging best practices and improving the quality of life indicators. By sharing the experiences from the regional pilots and comparing pilots’ results the project aims for better urban planning in which different stakeholders – residents as well businesses – are being taking into account. And by creating better urban environment the project results in creating new jobs and having positive impacts on the local economy.
The lead partner of Live Baltic Campus is Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. Other partners are City of Helsinki (Executive Office, Economic Development), Riga Planning Region, Stockholm University, University of Latvia, University of Tartu, University of Turku and Uppsala University. Associated partners are City of Turku and Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council. The project is funded by Central Baltic Programme and the project operates from October 2015 until March 2018.

RISEBA Riga Guest Crit

From 15 to 16 December 2016 Thomas will be guest critic at RISEBA Faculty of Architecture and Design in Riga, Latvia.

Riga’s built environment features different urban paradigms. While some of its parts seem like Scandinavian villages, some parts remind of Berlin’s Gründerzeit, and – not surprisingly – large parts resemble typical Eastern Bloc suburbs. This enables the city to cater to a variety of generations, users and tastes.

The Faculty of Architecture and Design (FAD) currently realises a unique, international and competitive architecture study programme in Latvia, between European and Russian heritage. Since its foundation in 2011, faculty has combined the best architecture education standards and teaching experiences within Europe becoming the architecture school of the regional importance. FAD offers the education at the highest standards with the curriculum that combines its main study fields, architecture, urban planning and design, with the understanding of the business skills and social sciences.

4th German-African Infrastructure Forum

The oceans provide smooth transitions between continents and economies and are essential components of intercontinental trade and global networking. What are the challenges concerning international trade, infrastructure development, and rapid urban growth in Sub-Saharan Africa?

During the last years the Africa Association has established the Infrastructure Forum which became a great German-African platform for network targeted in industry-specific topics.

Thomas is invited to participate as a panelist to discuss the challenges of rapid urban growth in Africa’s market towns.

The Forum takes place on Monday, Dec 05 to Tuesday, Dec 06, in Hamburg. See further details and register at, and look at the full program.

City of Ufa to host workshop “Instruments for Sustainable Urban Development” with TSPA

TSPA has been invited by the city of Ufa in Russia to facilitate a workshop on Instruments for Sustainable Urban Development from 2 to 3 December 2016. Expected participants are representatives of the municipal planning departments and urbanists from Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Kazan, Saint Petersburg, Moscow, and Ufa.

The objectives of the two day work session are the:

  • Development of common positions on fundamental issues of spatial development of Russian cities (goals, objectives, values and possible contours of development projects)
  • Consolidation of community and the search for potential leaders for breakthrough projects
    Anticipating the future of urban planning, define the roles of each stakeholder
  • Release of an action paper with next steps towards better planning instruments, policies, and potential pilot projects.

We will work towards than in four work session with focus on
Urban form, Planning process, Legal instruments, and
Financial instruments.

Urban Coop Berlin stakeholder meeting

Berlin’s housing stock becomes less and less affordable. Who doesn’t own an apartment yet, hasn’t got much room to move, speculation is rampant. We’re looking for new solutions. On Friday, October 14, we have shown as part of urban coop berlin, how alternative models can work:

Als erste Projektentwicklungsgesellschaft für Wohnbaugenossenschaften in Berlin zeichnet sich das Team mit Architekten (deGiovannini), Stadtplanern (TSPA) und Sozialwissenschaftlern (Sustainable Services) durch breite und vielfältige Kompetenzen und Erfahrungen im Wohnbau, Nachhaltigkeit und Gemeinwesenentwicklung aus.

Die urban coop berlin ist eine Plattform für alle, die anders wohnen und gemeinsam bauen wollen. Unter den Werten fair, flexibel, gemeinsam und verantwortungsvoll werden autonome genossenschaftliche Wohnprojekte geplant und umgesetzt, die sich zukünftig in einem Netzwerk gegenseitig unterstützen.

Fair bedeutet bezahlbar und nicht spekulativ; flexibel bedeutet einfacher Ein- und Austritt, Veränderungsmöglichkeiten innerhalb des Gebäudes und anpassungsfähige Wohnflächen; unter gemeinsam versteht man die Beteiligung der Bewohner bei Planung, Bau und in der Wohngenossenschaft und zu guter Letzt steht verantwortungsvoll dafür, dass sozial und ökologisch verträglich entwickelt und gebaut wird und zum Beispiel ein Nachbarschaftscafé eingerichtet oder der Gemeinschaftsgarten für andere geöffnet wird.

Die Herangehensweise an ein Bauprojekt unterscheidet sich im Vergleich zu Baugruppen dahingehend, dass bereits alle organisatorischen Strukturen geschaffen sind, die es ermöglichen, schnell zu agieren, sobald ein Grundstück verfügbar ist, die Sicherheit geben in Verfahren und im Ablauf – vom Kauf bis zum Abschluss des Baus – und die die Wünsche und Präferenzen der Wohnungsanwärter bereits vorab abfragt.

Insgesamt zeigt das große Interesse der fast 60 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer an diesem Abend, dass wir ein Thema aufgreifen, das vielen unter den Nägeln brennt. Viele haben sich direkt vor Ort als Anwärter registriert und wollen, neben dem Wunsch nach bezahlbarem, gemeinschaftlichen und sicherem Wohnraum, auch beitragen zu einer veränderten Bau- und Wohnungspolitik in der Stadt.

See the presentation here, and check here, how to join urban coop.

Was ist Städtebau des 21. Jahrhunderts?

Die Berliner Wirtschaftsgespräche, das interdisziplinäre Netzwerk Architekten für Architekten (AfA) und der Architekten- und Ingenieur-Verein zu Berlin (AIV) laden gemeinsam zur dritten Veranstaltung im Rahmen der Diskussionsreihe „StadtWertSchätzen: Positionen zu Stadtentwicklung – Architektur – Städtebau in Berlin 2016-2021“ ein.

Wir werden am Mittwoch, 12.10.2016, um 19:00 die Frage “Was ist Städtebau des 21. Jahrhunderts (in Berlin)?” erörtern. Neben Thomas als Vertreter der Stadtplaner werden Prof. Dr. Harald Bodenschatz, Annelie Schoen und Uwe Rilke die Akademische, Institutionelle, und Investment-Perspektive vertreten.

Berlin wächst. Seit Jahren übersteigt die Nachfrage nach bezahlbarem Wohnraum das Angebot. Gleiches gilt für Gewerbeflächen und die soziale Infrastruktur. Die internationale Zuwanderung verschärft diese Situation. Das führt zu einer immer stärkeren Veränderungsdynamik – in den Quartieren wie in der Stadtgesellschaft. Welche Herausforderungen stellt die „wachsende Stadt“ für Stadtentwicklung, Architektur und Städtebau? Wie lassen sich experimentelle Wege gehen? Und von welchen internationalen Vorbildern kann Berlin lernen?

Im Teil III unserer Veranstaltungsreihe sollen die Herausforderungen unter den folgenden Fragestellungen diskutiert werden: Was heißt für Berlin Städtebau des 21. Jahrhunderts? Welche städtebaulichen Konzepte braucht Berlin? Heißt Städtebau in Berlin notwendigerweise immer Blockstruktur? Wie können exemplarisch neue städtebauliche Konzepte entwickelt werden? Welche internationalen Ansätze sind auch für Berlin richtungweisend? Welche Vergabeverfahren braucht es dafür? Und welche (neuen) Beteiligungsformen sind nötig?

Zentral- und Landesbibliothek – Haus Berliner Stadtbibliothek
Ribbeck-Haus – Kleiner Säulensaal
Breite Straße 30-36
10178 Berlin

Georg Balzer
Netzwerk Architekten für Architekten (AfA)

Kerstin Lassnig
Vorstand Berliner Wirtschaftsgespräche e. V.

Uwe Rilke
CESA Investment GmbH & Co. KG

Annalie Schoen
Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt, Referatsleiterin IIA: Städtebauliche Projekte

Thomas Stellmach
Direktor TSPA – Thomas Stellmach Planning and Architecture

Prof. Dr. Harald Bodenschatz
Architekten- und Ingenieur-Verein zu Berlin (AIV)

Kerstin Lassnig
Immobilienökonom (ebs), Vorstand Berliner Wirtschaftsgespräche e. V.


Thomas Stellmach will be present TSPA’s work in Sub-Saharan Africa of the one-day ISU conference about urban development and urban regeneration strategies within the African context. The ISU talk takes place on Thursday, November 17 at 2pm at TU Braunschweig.

See further details and register at

The other panelists are:

  • Fabienne Hoelzel, Fabulous Urban/ETH Zurich
  • Michelle Provoost PhD, INTI International New Town Institute, Almere
  • Daan Roggeveen, MORE Architecture, Shanghai
  • Tjark Gall, TU Braunschweig/NGO Urban Framework
  • Hubert Nienhoff, gmp, Hamburg
  • Prof. Philipp Oswalt, University of Kassel


“Cities we Have vs. Cities we Need” was the theme of the 52nd ISOCARP congress, held in Durban, South Africa. TSPA was part of a keynote panel on the implementation of The New Urban Agenda. Benjamin Scheerbarth reflected on the ways private planning offices might be able to implement sustainable strategies in cities. As possible ways forward he offered (1) to understand a plan not as a final product but as a starting point for dialogue, (2) to design with inbuilt flexibility for future change, (3) to cultivate a dual approach of holistic understanding and acupunctural interventions and to (4) find new ways of organising both spatially and organisationally.

TSPA also presented its paper on UN-Habitat’s Rapid Planning Studio (download paper), a capacity-building workshop, which Thomas and UN-Habitat colleagues conceived as a response to rapid urban growth across the continent.

Planning Africa 2016 in Joburg

The 7th Planning Africa Conference – “Planning Africa 2016 : Making Sense of the Future – Disruption and Reinvention”  took place in Johannesburg, Gauteng Province on 3-6 July 2016, organised by the South African Planning Institute (SAPI). Thomas presented the paper “UN-Habitat’s Rapid Planning Studio: A Case Study of Integrated Planning for City Extensions in Africa” (download paper) together with Gianluca Crispi on a mission financed by UN-Habitat.

The Planning Africa 2016 conference focuses on the role of planning in shaping the future. It is a platform for (re)thinking, discussing and envisaging the outcomes planners desire for the future. The paper and presentation promote and discuss UN-Habitats three-pronged approach and integrated strategy for capacity building to foster sustainable urban development.

There is a general consensus among Among South African planners regarding objectives and principles of planning, yet a widespread frustration as the urban reality including recent developments is far from the consensus on good practice. The discrepancy between the professional discourse and the reality of the context is remarkable.

The paper elaborates the causes of the above-mentioned implementation gap and proposes a potential avenue to address the gap: the Rapid Planing Studio.

Yakutsk: towards sustainable arctic cities

Sustainable Life of Arctic cities will be the main topic discussed at the 2nd ‘Cities and People. Local Solutions for Sustainable Development’ International Conference in Yakutsk on June 23- 25. There Thomas speaks about the potential of public space to be a driver for prosperity and higher quality of life in arctic cities.

The Forum serves as an opportunity to reflect on a topic that is becoming more urgent in times ahead: from climate change and the battle for resources to new urbanization trends, the artic region is undoubtedly going to be reshaped. How can we ensure the transformation will benefit the lives of local communities and their habitat? Can we go beyond the idea of the arctic being an area ‘to-be-mined’ for prosperity elsewhere? What role will public space play in this transformation? We will keep you posted!

Housing vs City – Talk in London

Thomas is going to give a talk at Syracuse, London, next week Monday 13th April at 2pm. See you there!

As communication networks and financial instruments manipulate the social and economic relationships toward unstable and immaterial conditions, the housing crisis is redefining the political and spatial relationship between city, architecture and housing as alternative models of urbanization.
Syracuse Architecture (London Program) invites Brett Steele and five emerging European practices to reflect on how a new generation of architects is facing the challenges of this paradoxical conditions through the construction of a project for architecture and the city..

More at

Support to the UN-Habitat workshop ‘Urban Planning for City Leaders’ in Diani, Kenya

From 11 to 14 November Thomas is part of the UN-Habitat team supporting the sustainable urban development sector in Kenya as part of the Kenyan Municipal Programme (KMP). He will conduct a learning session for decision makers and a two day workshop for planners and municipal staff.

UN-Habitat started training on “Urban Planning for City Leaders (UPCL)” guide as part of its capacity development initiative since September, 2013. Under this initiative, several trainings have been successfully delivered around the world.

The rapid planning studio aims at informing local leaders of each town/county about the value that urban planning could bring to their counties and to facilitate a collaborative dialogue between local leaders, policy makers and planners on urban development especially on the themes of public space, densification, urban patterns, and connectivity including the importance of legal frameworks and urban economy.

Keynote at Open School for Urban Exchange, Krasnoyarsk

On 26 October Thomas will give a talk about the “Right to the City” in Krasnoyarsk at the opening conference of the Open School of Urban Change. He will address questions of ownership of public space, degrees of freedom, privatisation and other challenges of current urban development and how design can encourage participative and diverse use of the the city by the communities.

City Changers. Lecture at German Development Institute, Bonn

Thomas will give a lecture in Bonn on 31 July 2014 at the German Development Institute (DIE): City Changers. Sustainable Urban Development – A Planning Perspective from City-wide Development Strategies to Urban Acupuncture.

Cities and People: Civic Initiatives talk in Yakutsk, Russia

Thomas International conference “Cities and People: civic initiatives – the formula of mutual trust”, which will be held on June 27, 2014 in the city of Yakutsk.

The purpose of the International conference is to study the experience in developing a new model for a modern city having citizens’ active participation. The International conference will be attended by honorary guests, heads of international organizations, delegations from cities of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), representatives of cities-members of the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and sister cities of Yakutsk from other countries as well.

Reality Bites, IUSD Monday Lecture

Thomas presents „reality bites“ taken from his work experience in different cultural contexts – from Iraq to Russia at the University of Stuttgart as part of the Monday lecture series at IUSD. You can also see the video.

The MSc Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design (IUSD) offered in Cairo and Stuttgart aims to train a new generation of urban practitioners to face the tremendous environmental, cultural and social challenges resulting from the rapid urbanization and ongoing societal transformation currently taking place in the Middle East, North Africa (MENA) and elsewhere.

Keynote at Urbanfest 2014, Izhevsk

On 21-23 May 2014, Thomas ill be one of the keynote speakers at the International Urban Forum in Izhevsk (translated version), Russia. The urban forum is civic initiative and network of Russian cities to foster innovative solutions for urban development and municipal management for creating better cities and living conditions in the 21st century.

‘Vitalize it’ International Winter School in El Gouna

Thomas Stellmach was invited by the TU Berlin Campus El Gouna (Egypt) to lecture on ‘Public Space in the Arab Domain’ within the framework of the ‘Vitalize it’ International Winter School 2014.

Download the lecture slides here.

presenting the red ribbon

Europan Germany Inception Forum

Thomas gives an input lecture during the Europan 12 Germany Inception Event, where he discusses the Europan theme ‘Eco Rhythms’ and presents the winning proposal for Europan 10 in Heidelberg.

See the winning project.

CRE200 Stadtplanung published

Chaosradio Express Podcast Folge 200 is online – Tim Pritlove interviews Thomas on urban planning (german language).

Die Städte spielen seit dem Übergang des Menschen von Jäger und Sammler zum Ackerbau die entscheidende Rolle in der Entwicklung der Menschheit und ihre Bedeutung nimmt im 21. Jahrhundert weiter zu.

Städte stehen heute vor der Herausforderung, die großen ökologischen, ökonomischen und gesellschaftlichen Probleme der Zeit abzufedern und neue Innovationen zu gebären, um das Wachstum und den Klimawandel zu bewältigen.

Im Gespräch mit Tim Pritlove erzählt der Architekt und Stadtplaner Thomas Stellmach von der Geschichte der Städte seit dem Alten Orient über die Antike, dem Römischen Reich, dem Mittelalter, dem Barock, der Renaissance bis zur Moderne und schildert die aktuellen Herausforderungen der Stadtplanung.

[download as mp3]

Capita Selecta

On 12 April at 8pm Thomas talks about recent work experiences in Africa, Asia and Europe at Capita Selecta: ‘Giant Steps: Urbanism Around the World’ hosted by the Academie von Bouwkunst in Amsterdam.