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Urban Coop Berlin stakeholder meeting

Berlin's Housing Crisis and Alternative Solutions


30 November 2016



Berlin's housing market is increasingly unaffordable, with speculation running rampant. Those without apartments find limited options. On October 14, urban coop berlin showcased alternative housing models to address these issues.

As the first project development company for housing cooperatives in Berlin, the team—including architects, city planners (TSPA), and social scientists—brings a diverse set of skills in residential construction, sustainability, and community development.

Urban Coop Berlin

Urban coop berlin serves as a platform for individuals interested in cooperative living and construction, operating under the principles of fairness, flexibility, collaboration, and responsibility. They aim to create autonomous cooperative housing projects that support each other within a network.

Fair: Affordable and non-speculative housing.

Flexible: Easy entry and exit, adaptable living spaces.

Collaborative: Involvement of residents in planning, building, and managing the cooperative.

Responsible: Development that is socially and ecologically sustainable, including community spaces like cafes and gardens.

The approach differs from traditional building groups by having established organizational structures that allow for swift action when land becomes available, ensuring security in processes from acquisition to construction.

The event attracted nearly 60 participants, indicating a strong interest in addressing the pressing need for affordable, community-oriented housing and contributing to a changed housing policy in Berlin.

For more information, visit urban coop berlin and check out their presentation and membership options here.

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