
Designs based on rational and collaborative decision-making deliver solutions that withstand the test of time.

We have developed an in-house toolbox to support our urban planning processes. This toolbox includes modules for cooperation and communication, data analysis, design, and implementation. It employs a modular, process-based methodology that enables us to assess, design, develop, implement, and evaluate urban planning in collaboration with multiple stakeholders.

Our approach is divided into phases—Engagement, Assessment, Analysis, Goals, Strategic Choices, Plan Development, Plan Adoption—to simplify the standard design process. The flexibility of our methodology allows for customisation by combining its modular components. This can be used to progressively develop the process, create targeted micro-packages, or implement individual components as needed.

At TSPA, we give equal care to designing processes as we do to designing spaces. A range of tools are considered in each phase to ensure the approach is dynamic and responds to context.


In this initial phase, we aim to establish meaningful relationships with clients, partners, and stakeholders to understand priorities, identify challenges well in advance, and establish an open channel for dialogue throughout the project.


Kick-off Dinner

Let’s have a big dinner together at the start of a project. Over shared food we get to know each other, find room to address the issues that are not fitting for a formal meeting, develop trust and enjoy ourselves. This trust and joy will translate into the project itself and pave the ground for a successful process.

Other Tools
  • Kick-Off Meeting
  • Thematic Brainstorming


We look beyond the typical spatial layers, and include social, economic, cultural, and environmental factors, to pave the ground for a holistic understanding of the current situation. 


Field Mission

We consider an on-site mission essential to feel the landscape, understand rooted traditions and local intelligence, and guarantee a complete and exhaustive diagnosis. Tangible and intangible heritage, local materials, and traditional techniques represent key empirical knowledge to make all our proposals site specific and unique.

Other Tools
  • Stakeholder Universe
  • Stakeholder Interview
  • Spatial Data Survey
  • Thematic Brainstorming


We harmonise, review, and critically analyse the collected data. We identify synergies, mismatches, and gaps, allowing us to develop a clear picture of opportunities and threats.


Data-Driven Analysis

With this approach we harmonise and process, layer by layer, the data related to specific areas of interest and provide not only an understanding of specific topics, but also an overview of how they relate and interact with each other. This approach ensures a strong understanding of the territory, paving the ground for conscious and place-based actions.

Other Tools
  • Trend Analysis


After having established a strong understanding of the context, we can fine-tune the project goals together with our client and clarify ambiguities or conflicts, and develop them into clear targets and objectives.


Design Charrette

The Design Charrette is an engaging and hands-on meeting where stakeholders discuss and mark up spatial challenges, opportunities, strategies, and priorities. This process activates stakeholders to validate assumptions, get on the same page, and encourages being specific. The cooperative character of this process leads more easily to a consensus on challenges and ideas. 

Other Tools
  • Benchmark Atlas
  • Goal Driven Design
  • Rapid Planning Studio
  • Thematic Brainstorming
  • 100 Options

Strategic Choices

Combining seemingly conflicting elements of creativity and rationality, we brainstorm concepts and design ideas, and evaluate them against the goals that have been set to agree on a common shared vision.


The Common Vision

We coordinate our team effort to develop a singular, cohesive vision. The vision is a mental image of what the future could be like. It is a powerful tool as it is a clear idea that can be shared, discussed, and fought for. A shared vision can unite disparate interests for a common goal. 

Other Tools
  • Scenario Planning
  • Design Charrette
  • 100 Options
  • Thematic Brainstorming

Entwicklung des Plans

In dieser Phase entwickeln wir das detaillierte Projekt durch einen intensiven Entwurfsprozess zu seinem vollen Potenzial. Dank des multidisziplinären Know-hows unseres Teams können wir ökologische, soziale und wirtschaftliche Aspekte in unsere Entwurfsentscheidungen integrieren.


Entwicklung des Plans

Jede Vision braucht eine Strategie, die den Weg zu ihrer Verwirklichung dieser ebnet. Mit unsererm Designentwicklungsplrozess identifizieren wir die besten Wege, um das Potenzial der ursprüngliche Vision weitestgehend auszuschöpfen, indem wir eine Reihe detaillierter Strategien aufzeigen, die im spezifischen Kontext auf die gemeinsamen Ziele anzuwenden sind.

Other Tools
  • Guidelines Handbook
  • Stakeholder Interview
  • Charrette-Verfahren

Plan Adoption

There is more to project success than excellent plans. It is now time to secure financing, to ensure that formal approval processes go smoothly, and to further develop detailed plans to prepare the project for implementation.


Strategic Action Plan

We aim at developing implementable projects. With our Strategic Action Plan, we actively support our clients and main stakeholders in building a process to keep together short-term interests and long-term priorities and investments.

Other Tools
  • Mitigation Table
  • Stakeholder Interview
  • Field Mission
  • Table of Indicators
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Time and again, our experience has proven that extensive initial forethought lends to better decision-making. Good design and cost-effectiveness are not competing, but complementary objectives.