Digital Urbanism
We harness data and technology to craft people-centred smart cities, integrating data-driven design, simulations, and digital engagement in our planning process.
How can we leverage new technologies to design better processes and spaces in a people-centric way? (And not just for the sake of using technology.)
We use data to support participatory processes and enhance transparency. By using multi-scalar GIS mapping in the analysis phase, computational planning methods in the design phase, and rapid iterative scenario building, we can drive thoroughly informed and engaged decision-making.
We always aim to provide the results of our work in accessible data formats. This way, we can share knowledge easily to inform and empower our clients and partners.
In projects where there is a lack of existing planning materials, a data-driven approach is used. Data retrieved from satellite images is classified and analysed, resulting not only in a cognitive tool but also in development scenarios and design solutions using geographic information tools.