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Shared Knowledge

We love to develop ideas together with our clients. We do not just deliver plans, but also transfer the knowledge on how to use and implement them.

In the project "Building Climate Resiliency through Urban Plans and Designs" in the Philippines, playful approaches, including physical and action models in design charette workshops, were used to help practicioners communicate complex ideas.

How can we support local city officials and administration to confront future challenges?

Urban transformation takes time and can face financial and political difficulties, coordination challenges, and shortage of workforce. To address these challenges we not only contribute our technical knowledge, but are also excellent communicators.

We use playful approaches, physical and interactive models, design multiple scenarios, and make complex data understandable. Beyond that, we make sure to equip stakeholders with the right tools to effectively respond to future challenges.

Under the project "Provision of Capacity Building: Urban Efficiency and Productivity in Saudi Arabia", TSPA delivered training modules in the areas of urban management, urban economy, and urban finance mechanisms. A combination of training approaches (workshops, speakers, site visits, ...) supported in the opportunity for participants to build netowrks and learn from their peers.

Together with partners and clients, we develop workshops to reproduce the full planning process, references for practitioners and communities, and capacity trainings to support in turning knowledge into actions.

Peer-to-peer learning allows planners and urban decision-makers to come together, reflect on, and exchange their experiences as practitioners.