Made for inventors and tinkerers, we designed the campus as a place to naturally encourage knowledge exchange.
Dialogue for considerations related to urban planning, heritage preservation, open space, transportation, and tourism.
Preparation of design guidelines for two regions in Saudi Arabia
Pioneering tomorrow’s productive city—longevity, encounter, mixed-use
Capacitating city governments and decision-makers to apply a climate science-based approach in adapting to and mitigating these climate change impacts.
Climate Sensitive Urban Development Framework for Berlin's Largest Urban Expansion Area
Development of a national framework for sustainable development along with implementation guides for pilot eco-district projects in three cities on Java Island: Semarang, Wonosobo, and Yogyakarta.
Innovative Public Toilet Design to Enhance Urban Convenience and Aesthetics in Düsseldorf
Finalist in the competition of an Urban and Architectual Concept for the Expo 2017 “Future Energy” in Astana