Campus Winnenden
Pioneering tomorrow’s productive city—longevity, encounter, mixed-use
Europe and Northern America
Urban Design and Public Space
Project Details
- Winnenden (Germany)
- Competition
- IBA’27 StadtRegion Stuttgart GmbH
The urban design heritage in Europe is one of separation between commercial and residential, or inclination toward mono-functional large-scale structures. Welcome to modernity!
But things are changing. Industry 5.0 is undoing modernity logic: profits only happen with economies of scale. The face of the workforce has changed. Literally. We have and want different and diverse energy sources. We travel/commute/meet each other differently—even virtually.
We are moving toward mixed-use design. Mixed-use for the Creative City, and/or mixed-use for the Productive City (die productive Stadt). The latter, the focus of the Internationale Bauaustellung 2027 Stuttgart (IBA’27). The Winnenden Campus competition site falls under the Productive City conceptual umbrella.
Our vision for the productive city: A place that’s equally suited to living, dwelling, and working.
The site is located between an existing industrial area and motorway node; and is adjacent to the existing city of Winnenden. To the south, there is single-family housing and to the west open countryside. Geographically, Winnenden Campus lies between two rivers—one in the north the other to the south.
How do we negotiate these characteristics into a Productive City?
The Campus creates a functional bridge between the existing city to the east and the countryside to the west, where a natural park can be created in the future—even without the launch of the Landesgartenschau 2032.
We also look to create an urban fabric allowing for smooth transit within the Campus and outward from it, toward surround settlements, and beyond.
Guiding Principles
Longevity: to address the needs of communities over time, we propose a flexible micro-zoning grid design.
We reimagine urban blocks as 6m by 6m grids, unlocking maximum adaptability and versatility. By breaking down traditional boundaries of city planning, we create spaces that can evolve to accommodate a variety of functions.
The essence of longevity lies in responsiveness. Rather than rigidly prescribing land use, the flexible grid allows for organic growth and transformation, aligning the physical form of the cityscape with the changing productive needs of inhabitants.
Encounter: innovation thrives on encounter and exchange. That's why our phased design of public-communal-private spaces and building typologies emphasise creation of places for interaction.
We focus on creating spaces for encounter, as a means to generate meaning among unrelated strangers. This deliberate design principle fuels innovation, where serendipitous connections and diverse perspectives meet to spark new ideas and possibilities.
Mixed-use: strategic building typology blending takes centre stage, to ensure adaptability and forward-thinking urban planning. Our vision involves bringing together places of research and production with spaces of education and living. This symbiotic relationship is a foundational stride toward embracing the coming demands and lifestyles of Industry 5.0.
The deliberate mixing of typologies also fosters encounter, which we see as essential to innovation and longevity. It is a blueprint for a future where manufacturing and community coalesce, reflecting an approach to urban development that aligns with the evolving landscape of production.
Design Concept
Mobility: our mobility concept disentangles heavy logistics traffic, local delivery, and slow traffic. We plan for this, fostering an accessible mixed-use neighbourhood, by countering the spacial segregation created by heavy freight transport.
We transition and diversify transportation with a logistics hub in the north between Marbacher Strasse and the new Ernst-Spingler-Strasse—accessible from the B14 motorway—where freight can be transferred to electro-mobility and/or non-motorised vehicles for local delivery.
Albert-Gänßle- and Karl-Heinrich-Lebherz-Straße are accessible to motorised traffic, as well as, Hermann-Schwab- and Marie-Huzel-Straße. The west-east thoroughfare offers cyclists and pedestrians short attractive routes to the train station and city centre.
At block level, buildings are accessible via an internal logistics and outside public active side.
Building typologies: typologies and uses are phased in such a way to mediate between the B14 motorway, purely commercial use, and mixed residential and commercial stock. A transition from the predominantly commercial use in the north to the predominantly residential use, combined with studios, in the south.
With this, the building stock in the north manages to protect the smaller-scale development stock in the south from road noise.
In the south, the smaller scale, modular system—like a older European city—provides for a mix of manufacturing, production, and living. At the same it, modular system allows for nature and agriculture to take root in the city.
Vertically, too, we stagger production, commercial, social, office, and residential uses.
Water and public space: this vision is that Winnenden Campus allow for urban agriculture, this is the reason for the green-blue corridors we suggest.
To add, green roofs and permeable surfaces minimise surface sealing. Hard and soft surfaces emphasise the gradient design of public-communal-private spaces.
The filtration trenches along the Zipfelbachallee connect to a local network of rain gardens and water squares, supporting neighbourhood level gardening and play with clean water sources.
Green roof surfaces serve as communal areas, e.g. for day-care centres or as community gardens for residential use.