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Green City Kigali: A New Chapter in Sustainable Urban Development

Kick off the detailed design stage for the 16-hectare pilot site


10 December 2024



Housing Impression (Source: FCBStudios)

The Green City Kigali project is entering a dynamic new phase, marked by a three-day conference in Kigali that brings together key stakeholders to kick off the detailed design stage for the 16-hectare pilot site. Led by the Green City Kigali Company (GCKC) under the umbrella of FONERWA, the project seeks to transform a 600-hectare area on Kinyinya Hill into a model of sustainable, inclusive urban development.

Concept Masterplan 600 ha (Source: FCBStudios)

TSPA is proud to continue its role as technical experts for KfW Development Bank, ensuring the quality and integrity of the project’s plans. Our commitment to sustainable urban systems aligns seamlessly with the project’s ambitious goals: creating a community that is socially inclusive, environmentally green, and economically affordable in the Rwandan context.

These aspirations are not without challenges. Sophisticated green solutions designed to achieve EDGE standards can sometimes seem at odds with affordability, but innovation is key. By using locally sourced materials and production methods, the project can reduce its carbon footprint while generating local employment opportunities. These strategies showcase that sustainability and economic development can, indeed, go hand in hand.

By using locally sourced materials and production methods, the project can reduce its carbon footprint while generating local employment opportunities.
Antje Eckoldt

A central mission of the Green City Kigali project is to address the pressing challenge of affordable housing. High-interest rates on small loans in Rwanda pose barriers for low- and middle-income households. The project is exploring innovative financing models such as incremental housing, improved loan terms, and cooperative structures, enabling access to housing and fostering pathways to prosperity.

Concept 16 ha site (Source: FCBStudios)

The project has achieved a significant milestone with the full approval of the 600-hectare master plan. The focus now shifts to the pilot phase—a 16-hectare development set to provide approximately 1,500 housing units. Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios, the project’s urban designers, will develop the detailed design.

The appointment of Buro Happold as the new project management consultant marks another important step forward, ensuring a sound implementation process to realise the project.

The project is further bolstered by a strong network of collaborators with spezialised expertise, including Howard Humphreys, FBW Group, Sunya Group, Turner & Townsend, and more.

As we embark on this next phase, TSPA remains dedicated to fostering sustainable urban development in Rwanda and beyond. Stay tuned!

The Team on Site (Source: TSPA 2024)