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Podium discussion about gentrification in Berlin - Remmidemmi in Rummelsburg

Gentrification in Berlin: Panel Discussion on Rummelsburg

To discuss the current gentrification process in Berlin's neighborhoods, Kilian Immobiliengruppe together with Stiftung Zukunft Berlin organized the panel discussion Remmidemmi in Rummelsburg - HURRA, DIE GENTRIFIZIERER SIND DA!.

The debates about the gentrification process in Rummelsburg, one of the most attractive and overlooked neighborhoods in Berlin, took place in the new artist/studio quarter Gaswerksiedlung. Thomas participated as an urban planning expert to share his insights about the impact of gentrification and the various sides of this process.

Learn more about the event in the link below: Quartiergespräch Remmidemmi in Rummelsburg.