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Recommendations for sustainable urbanisation in Africa

Thomas Stellmach gave recommendations at the Bundestag


7 January 2021



“In my opinion, it is not expedient to try to stop urbanization in Africa. On the contrary, the focus should be on intervening in a steering manner to make it as sustainable as possible.”
Thomas Stellmach at the German Bundestag in late December, where he gave recommendations in the Committee on Economic Cooperation and Development regarding sustainable urbanisation.

The instruments of development cooperation, strengthening of rural areas presented in the video are:

  • Strengthening of human, administrative and technical capacities
  • Expansion of basic supply infrastructure
  • Closing financing gaps to foster housing for the poor in cooperation with the private sector
  • Establishment of long-term partnerships
  • Reform and creation of governance processes on national as well as on city level through an integrative cross-sectoral approach

See more at the Bundestag website!