In Berlin and New York City, it is all about housing!
40 rising leaders/fellows from New York City across design, development, policy, law, advocacy, and journalism came to Berlin in September to uncover cutting-edge housing practice and to build bridges with peer cities.
TSPA collaborated with the Urban Design Forum to bring together a range of stakeholders across Berlin's housing network - what are the ingredients that make Berlin unique? What are the best practices for accommodating growth while also preserving the city’s polycentric structure and social mix?
We are grateful to be invited to take part in this important exchange, thank you to the Urban Design Forum for putting on this successful event and for building up this network!
(TS individual then TSPA repost) - lead with all about housing in Berlin and NYC, nice to hear, from Berlin perspective everything feels stuck, for NYC felt like a space of unlimited opportunity for innovation and experimentation - space available in Berlin - pressure so much higher in Berlin.