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Kyiv Urban Actions

Reinvigoration of post-industrial, mid-sized cities through cultural and creative industries


Europe and Northern America




Studies, Research, and Capacity Building



  • Kiev (Ukraine)


  • Forschung


  • Goethe Institute


Kyiv Urban Actions Programme

British Council Ukraine and the Goethe-Institut, in partnership with CANactions, launched Kyiv Urban Actions programme to recognize the importance of supporting communities which are working together to address common urban issues.

TSPA, as a German partner, supported one of the two winners during the implementation of their proposal in Konstyantinivka (Ukraine), a city situated in a peripheral region of Ukraine.
The economy and population were sensibly affected by the war and, as consequence, Konstyantinivka felt into poverty and abandonment.
A former soviet power plant crosses the settlement and defines its linear extension.

Once abandoned it left an enormous void isolating the two sides of the city. This peculiar urban structure increased social segregation and discouraged inhabitants to react and take care of common goods.

The NGO MovEast together with a team of local activists proposed to revitalise a strategic collective space of the city and regenerate the lost social cohesion. Their aim was to re-activate a public square in front of the central abandoned theatre through a series of cultural activities.

Public square
Central abandoned theatre
TSPA led the team through some of the most known Berlin participatory practices and discussed possible scenarios of the intervention. 
Berlin visit

The challenge was to involve community to take part of the events with scarce financial and material sources and to encourage local authorities to support the project.

Proposed Interventions

Kiev Urban Actions theatre, post-intervention